Tag Archives: “Archipelago” in Subtletea.com


Jane and I are working on two writing projects, a new book of essays that go back as far as 30 years ago and a book of short stories on the Holocaust that I have been working on for the past year. I have categorized parts of the essay book which consists of published essays and blogs, the blogs revealing a writing style which has morphed greatly since years ago, much freer, more loose, chatty and conversational, perhaps the end result of blogging in which I just blather. As Jane read through the old stuff and then moved to blogs that are about three years old, which I printed out, she and I agreed, after some discussion, that she should cut out the deadwood with an ax rather than a scapel, to assist me to get to the essence of the blogs which often go on for paragraphs before I hit the vein I am looking for. Consequently she has “savaged” the blogs, cutting out paragraphs if not pages. All to the good.

I am sharing this for those of you who are writers, regardless of your experience, to get at what goes on, often haphazardly, often by luck in the writing process. In fact, David Herrle, editor of Subtle.com, has published a few of my blogs in the past year or so (See “Glut and Loathing in Las Vegas” at Subtletea.com); he suggested that I consider writing a book consisting only of my blogs. That stayed in mind, considering that Jane had mentioned the idea of a book of essays; and all that began with her reading of Eric Hoffer’s essays which he said somewhere were inspired by the writings of Montaigne. It came together in mind. In the past two weeks Jane has slugged through my old essays and  new blogs, observing that I am often a kvetch, that the same themes repeat themselves over and over (Melville took to the sea; I take to dyspepsia). She determined, my closet intellectual, that she’d take the best of the lot — in each category –as a representative sample.

I relented and bit my lip as I heard the silence of the lambs. Being 70 allows me to relent, to let go, to pass on control and so I believe the book will be that much better. The categories are reflective of who I am and they will change, but here is a sample: on movies; on childhood; on teaching, teachers and the taught; on sons and daughters; on marriage; on being a therapist; on the Holocaust; on being a Jew; and a potpourri of essays on the fabric of my life, musings, etc.

On purpose, I have left the book of short stories, tentatively titled, “Working Through the Holocaust” to “rest,” like a newly baked cake. The last revision was rigorous and again listening to my spouse I cut out more and more. You see, reader, Jane has a great nose for literary crap, being more interested in the delivery of the pitch than the pitcher’s wind-up. Sometimes I get absorbed with the style of the wind-up and forget there is a pitch to deliver; we must advance the man to first. As Jane and I know and as professional writers accept as a cliche, often the writer doesn’t say anything for at least 3 to 4 paragraphs, much like blowing into one’s cupped hands on a cold day, a useful meaninglessness. And Jane is an excellent content editor.

She advised me some time back to send out a few stories, to sample the marketplace. I did well: one story, “Soap,” was accepted by a new online journal edited by Duff Brenna, novelist; “Archipelago” was accepted by David Herrle, poet and polymath; and The Mensa Bulletin accepted “The Tea Table.” So three stories out of about 26 were accepted within weeks of one another. Realize that I have as yet to have Jane edit this collection and I have agreed to the putting to death of some lambs if it does not advance the men on base. Within the past two days I posted about 10 short stories in addition to others I have out; I sent out “Away,” which deals with a mentally slow child abandoned to his own devices after the Nazis round up his mother. It is three pages and minimalist in style. I was very gratified to be emailed by the editor that it was accepted within a day that it was sent — now, that is something! The idea, of course, is to test out my works and when I go to publish I can acknowledge that many of the stories were in print online or in print magazines.

Jane will begin the pruning in a week or so while she works on her degree in library science, works on her own stories as well; recently she posted a fine literary memoir. So the Freese household has twenty fingers working in writing, about writing and a very collegial feeling wafts through our home. Only a few hours ago I edited a short piece that Jane will send out tonight; it deals with her ongoing relationsip with her mother, She who must be adored, the Medusa of Madera Canyon, Arizona. If a marriage between writers can sustain mutual editing of one another’s works, “What larks, Pip, what larks!”

“Archipelago” Published at Subtletea.Com

David Herrle, poet, editor, at Subtletea has just published “Archipelago” online, the opening story from my now completed short story collection, “Working Through the Holocaust.” If you are interested in my new effort, take a peek. It always validates me, at least, when a story or section of a work in progress is accepted for publication prior to publishing. David has also published my “Glut and Loathing in Las Vegas” in the same issue.

Before I knew it another blog was needed. About 9 months ago I was overweight to such a degree that diabetes was an incipient threat. I have seen what that disease can do and I was in no mood for insulin shots and the paraphernalia associated with that medical anguish. I got on supplements, read some essential books on dieting and began to work out at least five days a week for about 50 to 60 minutes per session. I can report after several blood tests that I am in the normal range (!) once again and that my doctor and I are both elated. He encouraged me, but I did it.  Exercise really has shown the way because losing weight has been very hard to do. I am on a version of Weight Watchers (19 points per day for those who know about such calculations), eating the so called right stuff and taking over 10 supplements to assist my body from wearing down. Being compliant when it comes to health issues and not complaisant — after all, I want to be in good health to meet the grim reaper, exercise is no longer a passing fancy. It has to be part of my life if I choose not to become a diabetic — and I choose not to.

I have one more emotional hurdle to overcome; I am detecting a hearing loss so I will have to look into that. So with a diagnosis of a cataract and macular degeneration as well, I forge ahead. Deaf, blind, but never dumb. I go on. For 70, not too bad.

All of the above has given me an oxymoronic calm urgency, to knock off at least 4 or 5 books if not more in this decade. I am bombarded in e-mail and by the world at large as to how to market my books in the digital age — e-books, twitter ( should we rename that twinkie), facebooks and all that gelatinous American push to sell, sell, sell that I enjoy my resistance to it all. As long as I can get the bucks together to finance another book and send it out to friends and mildly hustle and mildly merchandise it here and there, it keeps mental and moral dementia away from my doorstep.

Perhaps as I sit here and associate to what I am writing at this second, allow me to share my “credo,” just newly formulated and brought to you, ladies and gentlemen, directly from the unconscious, the only real friend any good writer has — for it is authentic, unbiased and nonjudgemental.

: I love existence. I do not love religion, nor country, nor nation. I disdain all tyranny, to paraphrase Jefferson, that controls our minds. And it is most everything in any culture in any country throughout the world.

: I am in insurrection over any unreasonable conditioning — Tea Partyers, parties, sects, religions, media, formal national history, family, “normal” human interactions and artists as poseurs (see “Exit Through the Gift Shop” in your local cinema).

If I come to die, let Krishnamurti tell me the truth of that and Eric Hoffer tell me that I fought the good fight.

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